Early years
Henry Joseph, or ‘Harry’ as he
was known, was born on 2 February 1870 in Childs Hill,
the son of Joseph and Anne Elizabeth Collins. With four daughters already at home,
his parents were delighted at the safe delivery of their son.
Childs Hill and Hendon were in a state of transition when Harry was born. The railway
had arrived in 1867 and the first passenger services were running by October 1868
with nine trains a day to Moorgate Street. This opening of communications to the
heart of London had an immediate effect on Hendon and there was immense growth in
house building. The opening of a railway station in May 1870 near The Welsh Harp,
a reservoir which became a pleasure resort from the 1860s, meant that Londoners flocked
there to enjoy the leisure pursuits on offer, including a wide range of sporting
activities. Even in the 1890s, however, surrounding areas such as Childs Hill, Temple
Fortune and Church End were only just beginning to run into one another and it was
still possible to walk between the villages along footpaths which ran at least partly
through fields.
After a rudimentary education at one of the many National Schools that had sprung
up in the area (the photograph below shows Vine Cottage, the old Dame School at Childs
Hill which was replaced by a National School in 1856), Harry left home to earn his
living. With improvements in transport links, by 1889 he was living at 8 Piercefield
Street on the borders of Kentish Town and Hampstead Heath. A working class area,
Charles Booth, in his survey of L
ondon poverty, described it as ‘rather rough and
working class’ but commented that the children were ‘well clad and shod’ and whilst
some families were poor, others were comfortable. Harry was working as a carman (that
is, he transported goods with a horse and cart).
About this time he met Sarah Ann Rogers, a seventeen year old girl who had been born
in Barrow-in-Furness in Lancashire but who had travelled widely throughout the country
with her family. They were married on Monday, 23 December 1889 at the Registrar’s
Office in St Pancras (the marriage entry is shown below). Harry gave his age as twenty-two
although he was nineteen; Sarah professed to be twenty-one. It does not appear that
any family members were present and, as Sarah was six months pregnant, there was
no time for the marriage to be refused due to a lack of parental consent with them
both being minors. A few months later in the Spring of 1890, Harry and Sarah’s first
child, Emily, was born in Kentish Town; she would be the first of many.

A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker
The following year, Harry and his family returned to Childs Hill where they were
living in one room at 4 High Street, a four-roomed house above a shop. Living with
Joseph, Sarah and the one-year old Emily were Ann Rogers, Sarah’s widowed mother,
and John Rogers, Sarah’s brother. Sarah was five months pregnant. Another room in
the house was let to a family of seven which included a laundress, a hairdresser,
a violinist and a grocer. The remaining two rooms were rented by a widow from St
James’ who earned her living ironing.
Four months after these facts were recorded in the 1891 census, Harry’s first son,
Henry Joseph, was born, adding to the cramped living conditions. By this time, Harry
was working as a brickfield labourer. Sarah’s father and brother were brick makers
and Childs Hill had been a centre of brick and tile manufacturing since the eighteenth
century, so it is not surprising that he took up this trade.
On the move
Over the next few years, the family moved regularly from one set of rented rooms
to another. The first move, in about 1893, was a few miles east to Stamford Hill
where Alice Emily was born in April. Two years later the family packed up and crossed
the River Thames to Lewisham.
Harry’s parents and grandparents had lived in the Highgate
area for more than sixty years, so this move south was a significant change. The
most likely reason for the family’s move was to escape their debtors, and it was
probably one of their many ‘moonlight flits’ to escape their landlord and make a
fresh start. That they moved such a distance may indicate that their rent arrears
were equally significant.
A map of 1894 reveals what a change Lewisham must have been from Childs Hill, with
its densely populated rows of terraced housing. Joseph’s son, John, was the first
child to be born in Lewisham. Edmund followed in August 1896 whilst the family were
living at 72 Mill Road which ran alongside Lewisham Bridge Mill, a corn mill (shown
in the photograp on the left).
Over the next fifteen years, there were regular moves and a succession of children
including Catherine (Kit) (1898), Richard (1899), and Thomas (1901), by which time
the family were living at 22 Porson Street. It was a small two-storey house next
to the railway line (a ‘two-up, two-down’) but at least they were able to rent the
entire house. Life continued much as before: children and r
elocation, the family
hiring a cart from a local trader and loading up their possessions, including Sarah
and Harry’s feather mattress, the older children looking after the younger ones and
making sure no one was left behind. It is no wonder that most working class families
moved no more than a mile or so.
Two more daughters, Ruth Violet (1904) and Elizabeth Louisa (1905) followed. They
were baptised on 15 February 1905 at the Church of St John the Evangelist in Blackheath
(pictured right) whilst the family were living at 6 Alfred Terrace. Next, the family
moved to 30 Derwent Street, a couple of hundred yards from the Port of London Wharf
and a quarter of a mile from Greenwich Park with its famous observatory and meridian
line. Although there was little opportunity for leisure, there was time for a Sunday
stroll in the park. In his spare time, Harry made toys for his children and his grandson,
Bert Monger, later recalled a wooden toy horse with wheels that Harry made for him.
It was whilst Harry and his family were living in Derwent Street that on 27 February
1906 Sarah gave birth to what was at least her eleventh child: a daughter whom her
parents named Florence Ada. She was baptised on 15 March 1906 at Christ Church, Greenwich.
James followed in 1908 and Ivy in 1910, so that by the 1911 census, Sarah declared
that she had given birth to thirteen children; only Richard and John had died, leaving
eleven surviving children. On the night of the census, all eleven children were listed
as living in the five-roomed house at 4 Rennell Street in Lewisham.
Three of the streets in which Harry lived over the years: Porson Street, Mill Road
and Rennel Street.

The final move
By 1927 Harry and his family had moved across London to 75 Livingstone Road, just
three streets from Clapham Junction railway station. In the days of coal and steam,
it was a polluted and noisy location. By now, Harry was 57 years old, although this
photograph of him with one of his sons taken about this with one of his sons shows
him looking older; thirteen children and a life of manual labour had taken its toll,
although unlike many men (and women) of his background, he did not drink and was
described as a lovely, kind man; perhaps the spirit of his Collins’ Quaker ancestors
ran in his veins.
With 30 years’ building experience, he had progressed to working as a foreman and
in November 1927 he was working at Caseley Road in Balham. In the 1920s, scaffolding
consisted of poles sunk into barrels of sand fastened together with wire. Whilst
on the job, Harry attempted to move some scaffolding himself. He suffered an internal
rupture and died on site. His body was taken home to Livingstone Road. The cause
of death was given as ‘toxalymia, intestinal contraction (incisional hernia)’.